Parent DisApproval

Butta Yourself

July 27, 2022 Bobby Toliver & Donald Munn Season 1 Episode 27
Show Notes Chapter Markers

Welcome to Parent DisApproval a podcast dedicated to challenging the current biased egos of society AKA our parents views of the world and how they believe it should be navigated. Are they right? Or are they just full of bull poop?

Help Me Pick A Song
Weed Stories
Polio's Back
Monkey Pox Update
People Can Spy But Not Our Government
Mall Shooting
D. B. Cooper
Optimistic Longevity
Self Esteem (Main Topic)
Question To The Fans!
Self Esteem is Bullshit!?
Dude Climbing Up A Crane
Bullies and Self Esteem
Butta Face
How to Improve Self Esteem